Add 'Copy to folder' and 'Move to folder' options to file menu
All you have to do is to download the registry script that I have uploaded here, and run it. It will do the job!
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Go to Start Menu -> Run -> Services.msc
and press Enter...
Then from the services list thus opened, set all these services to MANUAL by right clicking on them one by one and clicking Properties...
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
In Windows 2000 and XP, Performance Monitor disk counters for physical disks are turned on by default, disk counters for logical disks are turned off by default.
Open Start menu -> Run -> cmd
and then give the following command to disable all disk monitoring:
To turn it on again(not recommended), run this command:
all DISKPERF switches are as follows...
-Y Sets the system to start all disk performance counters
when you restart the computer.
-YD Enables the disk performance counters for physical drives when you
restart the computer.
-YV Enables the disk performance counters for logical drives
or storage volumes when you restart the computer.
-N Sets the system to disable all disk performance counters when you
restart the computer.
-ND Disables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
-NV Disables the disk performance counters for logical drives.
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Open Start menu -> Run -> Regedit and navigate to the following registry location...
and double click the REG_SZ value named LocalizedString and write the new name for recycle bin there...
that's it...
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Download and run this script... it will do the job for you...
Note: Your antivirus may give you a virus alert since this script will modify system registry but this script is innocent i.e., it will not do anything other than changing the drive icons. So disable your antivirus before using it.
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Go to Start menu -> Run -> regedit and navigate to the following location...
Now create/modify the DWORD value named ClearPageFileAtShutdown and set its value to 1 to enable this feature... or set it to 0 in order to disable this feature...
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
You need to alter the maximum size of Windows Icon Cache for this purpose...
Open Start menu -> Run -> regedit and Navigate to the following registry location...
and create / modify the REG_SZ(String) value named Max Cached Icons and set its value between 100-4096 ... the default value is 500 (i.e., 500 KB). Maximum is 4096.
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the hard drive it is faster... there is a downside to this and because the computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc... if you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive the I suggest turnning this feature off!
Go to Start menu -> Run -> services.msc
and press enter...
now in the services list, locate Indexing Service and right click on it, click properties...and DISABLE it... thats all...
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks
Labels: Windows Tips and Tricks